If you have been to any of our seminars, you know that we like to make a big deal about operating as a team instead of as a staff. It’s my happy place –working with teams choosing to grow beyond where they are currently. I am not a coach or consultant, but as a professional speaker, it allows me the opportunity to put some of the best in the business in front of my audiences.
The doctors we work with have found the word team to more precisely describe the other people on board who help manifest, or co-deliver, the quality of care, expected for your patients. They behave like adults and they bring their brain to work! We love to serve these progressive practices in their space on their schedule.
It is important to remember what it is like to function as a team because when you are all present for the patient, you have a chance to recognize a problem before it starts. There isn’t just one person paying attention to what’s happening in the schedule, with the flow in the office and most importantly with the people connected to the teeth!
Can you imagine knowing that you have to pull extra weight on the days you can’t muster enough strength to pull your own? This is why we appreciate, Together Everyone Achieves More. It really is up to each of us. We’ve come to depend on each other, every time, with every patient.
So many of my seminars revolve around Implant dentistry, which requires such a team approach. It is not optional for success; it’s required. Truth is, I’m often told these seminars are not just about implants. It’s any type of advanced care today from sleep disorders to wellness based dentistry. The healthiest practices we’ve had the privilege to serve have this trait. They are aware that each individual is dynamic, deliberate and dedicated to the final outcome. Team members understand clearly that “not showing up” is not an option.
The bottom line is that it takes the entire team to produce the best results in dentistry today! So when it comes to your team: Be There and Be Aware.
See you on the road,
JoAn Majors