Comprehensive Care Coordinator
The Comprehensive Care Coordinator (C3) workshop is held to increase the skills of the person in the practice who presents treatment options, fees or has the education role. It was inspired by JoAn’s coaching colleague and friend, Melinda Heryford, MBA. Founders of DBC, Chuck and JoAn had a close relationship with her and an admiration for her dedication to dental industry. Melinda’s background as a coach, consulting dental practices in dentistry is profound. Combined with her business savvy she saw something that wasn’t a “normal” observation in the many practices she coached. It was JoAn’s ability to “naturally” move a patient to action with the questions she was asking and an understanding of the timing unlike most.
The two coordinated to build the two day workshop and some of the most sensitive issues (money, time, fear and worth) in today’s practices are covered with a small and intimate group. Understanding and mastering the DBC CYCLE of 6 to create the DBC Life Long Connection are bedrock to learning the systems and creating results the dentist today is in search of.
Finally, are you confident in the treatment offered by your doctor/leader? This is a critical question to ask yourself. It can release you from the guilt of worrying about a patient’s finances to instead embrace the care offered. Watch JoAn’s magical Q & A that allows patients to respond to a question, not a fee. This is a masters style learning event and you’ll need to bring your best ears…It’s all listening!
Practices need someone who can spend the extended time with a patient or family that it often takes to create value for the advanced care provided. All the time while listening with the intent to serve the patient. The value and reputation of the practice weighs heavy on the doctor. Why not do all you can to alleviate some of the issues? It’s been their experience that most of the time it is due to lack of knowledge, connection or just training for this position from people who have actually functioned in this position in a practice. At the end of the day for Chuck and JoAn, It’s not what they do, it’s who they are.
Proof over promotion! If you have heard JoAn and Dr. Chuck speak it didn’t take long to figure out they get it! They get the good and they also get the bad. They don’t have to work too hard to understand the attendee or client as it may be, they are the client! The couple along with the DBC team promise you an experience that is real and personal. The speakers won’t dazzle they will demonstrate because demonstration is more powerful than presentation! Anyone can pay for a stimulating presentation or fancy ballroom. Not just anyone can demonstrate the skills because they use them and inspire desire in a team member to learn. Real people, really in dentistry!
Fall 2016 – Reserved by Private Enterprise Group
Spring 2017 – Date TBD – call for details
Investment: Prices start at 2950.00 to 950.00
**Based on Level of Engagement with On Line Learning (Bundle)
Out of Mouth Team Training

In the summer of 2016 while attending a National Speakers Association meeting JoAn heard several speakers who inspired some new thoughts and new actions in her speaking business. Although she had lead two day trainings under many names on case acceptance this was going to be different than what she had done in the past. She heard best-selling author and powerhouse speaker, Scott Stratten talk about (demonstrate) his philosophy (his book) and teachings, UNLEARN and UNMARKETING. He said, “Turning things down is a privilege” and that was when it all changed for JoAn. She literally went back to her room and began to rewrite the plan for how she would lead this two day program differently. She asked herself tough questions he inspired. Was she a facilitator or a professional speaker? Was she offering something that was mandatory or motivational?
“This is where you come to have greater understanding of the skills that make you significant in the eyes of your patient, family and co-workers. It is about creating greater value in any relationship” said; JoAn. Although DBC offers CE, this program is not about the CE nor should it be mandatory. It is about making a difference and turning down those who don’t want to bring their team because the team is where JoAn has her greatest influence and motivation. This is emersion experience is about the TEAM! It takes a team because the doctor can’t be the only one learning today. Just as you have patients who want to try and dictate care when you know that you have an understanding they do not. JoAn and Chuck have the knowledge and understanding (even the proof) that it must be a team effort to create real value for the care and character of the practice. This is not your old case acceptance training, this is a commitment to growing your team to an understanding of their significance in the care you deliver!
At the same meeting after listening to the previous editor of Success Magazine and world renowned Entrepreneur guru, Darren Hardy, JoAn was again inspired to move to a different lane in the road. After almost 30 years in dentistry and seeing so many changes with today’s teams and experiencing really tough issues in their fourth and final practice (of two years) she knew she had to do something different in a flooded market of seminars and training. Darren Hardy, said; “Step out of the heard!” and that is exactly what she decided to do.
When JoAn returned she said; “we must do this no matter how tough it may be because I am the right one to say it”. She went back and totally committed to offer these seminars with much more commitment to the follow up and implementation that doctors need to invest in a team member today. She created new materials and marketing to follow what she was seeing in the different age groups of team members. In her mind, traveling to team training may be optional, but team training was not optional. She had to develop a way to reach today’s team members where they live! Out of the Mouth, was created and the on line learning opportunities began. Because everything critical to a patient being able to enjoy a doctors great skills started and ended, Out of the Mouth!
Dr. Chuck and JoAn along with real team members in their practice as well as other industry experts work together to make the experience one that takes the team where they might not normally go. Their goal is to engage your team in a new way. Breakout sessions and general sessions with people who bring value not ego to the group! They are there to serve you not themselves. They model the values and systems they teach in the practice and life.
Fall 2016 – Reserved by Private Enterprise Group
Spring 2017 – Dates TBD – Location Dallas / Austin TX.
Investment: Prices start at 1425.00 to 500.00 (Complimentary in some Enterprise Packages)
**Based on Level of Engagement with On Line Learning (Bundle)