Encouragement is a never-ending exchange of motivation, respect, awe, insight, engagement, admiration, support, prompt, care, inspiration, enthusiasm, discernment, kindness, esteem, delight, comprehension, thoughtfulness, incentive, stimulation, solidarity, empathy, enjoyment, consideration, impetus, appreciation, challenge, compassion, alliance, understanding, selflessness, wonder, value, harmony, tolerance, perception, collaboration, and camaraderie between the mentor and the mentored.
Morale is the fuel that keeps the fire of encouragement ablaze. The great mentors know how precious and scarce morale can be, especially in taxing times. So they naturally gravitate toward meta-mentors who manifest a confident can-do-ness. Those who can manage their own morale are the true masters of encouragement. Not only have they learned and grown through the give-and-take exchanges they encounter in mentoring, they’ve found an inner light or source that keeps their outer lamp trim and bright, a beacon for the discouraged.
When my own morale is flagging, I find solitude to be the best medicine for what’s bugging me. I like to wake up early before other duties command my attention and go to an undisturbed part of the house in order to spend a little time with (almost) no interruption from bells, whistles, phones faxes, tweets, timers, and computers. Surrounded by inspiring books and beautiful art that I love as well as plenty of peace and quiet, I look introspectively for insight on the person, place or thing that is challenging me. I read and highlight passages, I jot down notes, and write responses, I contemplate and reflect, pray and meditate. Before I comment or give an opinion, I ask myself: what is my role in what has just happened and what is the desired outcome?
Although I am fortunate to have a great team, do not think that you need to wait for the right person before you can realize success. By managing your own morale, you raise the bar yourself and begin to attract people just like you – folks ready, willing, and able to grow your product or service’s greatest opportunity along with their own.
See you on the road,
JoAn Majors