We all recognize that our environment is changing. Not just in dentistry but in our world. Fake news, slanted opinions, uninformed blogs… we are surrounded by unreliable sources when the truth can often be found just by asking the right person. I’m learning more and more from my friend and colleague, Josh Packard, PhD, that perceived authority was the way we decided to choose who to trust in years past. I certainly don’t want to upset anyone by sharing what I am learning but it is time we all understand more about human behavior and trust. It’s not just our industry. No longer is a piece of paper displayed with the doctor’s name from some special institute or university enough to convey authority or earn trust.
Today, you’ll need to be making a shift to be the best you! Research by Dr. Packard and The Packard Group proves that those once unimportant and less impressive, “soft skills” are THE determining factor in the current wave of patient care. More and more the old adage, “People don’t care how much YOU KNOW, until they know how much YOU CARE” is coming to realization in practices every day. I know this from the many notes and calls I get following a seminar and what we see in our own practice, and I know this from the research Dr. Packard has shared with me about the science of authority and trust. You won’t be able to outrun or outlast this change, but you will be able to learn to “OUT-Connect” the competition.
“People don’t care how much YOU KNOW, until they know how much YOU CARE”
I’ve built a career on helping practices understand the critical value of soft skills for the success of their practice and the health and care of their patients. The key to improving patient care and your bottom line is having a team approach to soft skills that involves all members of a practice. I built a strong name in implant dentistry with these skills. I earned the trust and respect of one of the most respected in the industry, the late Dr. Carl Misch. For well over a decade, as a faculty member he allowed me to present a two-day program, “The Soft Side of Implant Dentistry” at Misch International Implant Institute. He also wrote the preface to my implant book that has now trained thousands of dental teams and become a dental bestseller surpassing 5000 copies sold. This book is in its second edition with an audio option coming later this year.
ACTION ITEMS: Make a list of ways dentistry HAS changed and how you see it changing in the future. Then, watch this video to see how you can make the shift to be YOUR best.
It’s my lane and one that I live in daily. Whether I am functioning as the Comprehensive Care Coordinator in my husband’s practice, www.MajorSmiles.com, or speaking at seminars for organizations, specialists study clubs or labs and their referrals and teams, I’m always focused on the soft skills because I know that the research lines up with my own experience. The soft skills and patient savvy lingo matter now more than ever. The SHIFT is happening, and I couldn’t be happier. These soft skills systems are moving the needle like never before. I hope you’ll watch for a seminar near you or reach out to me to find out how we can present for your organization or group.
See You on the Road!